Breaking News

Sunday, March 2, 2014

image of sunset in pantai drini yogyakarta

dusk on a very beautiful beach Drini 
for those of you who have never been stopped at the beach Drini please immediately to come to the beach Drini because here a lot of natural beauty to save the beautiful beaches romantic atmosphere much more beauty in this beach come on prey beach lovers who are in yogyakrta
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image of merapi mountain

flasback stories from the volcano that erupted in 2010
The first week after the eruption of the many casualties of the river channel Gendol ie the main flow of lava from the volcano
This place is now used as tourist attractions by the villagers Bronggang Cangkringan many sellers of snacks and still no water here for 4 years and it still feels warm by local people allegedly believed he could cure all skin diseases
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Friday, February 28, 2014

image of flooding

every time heavy rain the road to my village always covered with puddles overflowing river, or commonly called flood
This river is the river section of the river Gendol
Gendol River is the main river to the path of lava from Mount Merapi
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

image of levitation

This levitation photo taken in ancient mountain tourist area located in Gunung Kidul yogyakarta wonosari
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image of senja di desa tercinta

dusk in the evening in the village of beloved
very comfortable and quiet when we were in our home village with outstanding views of the beautiful
even to leave this beloved village was heavy because of the atmosphere in the village provide unparalleled comfort
indeed very grateful to live in a beautiful village this winsome
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Monday, February 24, 2014

image of volcano ash

volcanic ash from Mount kelud located in East Java
at 4 am when it was raining very heavy ash up to 4-5 cm
This is very shocking residents of Yogyakarta due to the impact of volcanic eruptions in Yogyakarta kelud
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image memoriam merapi mountain 2010

   some images of the impact of the volcano eruption was in yogyaklarta
The pictures I took after the eruption of Mount Merapi issued a major in 2010.
these images is one of the memories of the eruption of the volcano.

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image ciblek bird fighter

This bird in a bird called ciblek
This is one of the birds that frequent fighter in the race right in Java and surrounding areas,
because in terms of sound and mentally fighters this bird to be excellent for bird lovers fighter.
This bird being small but vocally sound AK47 rifle.
so that it becomes a bird bird very in enjoy doing in Java
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Sunday, February 23, 2014

image of the "sawah"

This is where the current picture of the little boy looking for frogs and worms for bait while fishing.
because in villages and paddy fields in the area are still plenty of Jogja traditional way to catch fish with a frog bait is the bait and worms rice.
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image of clean for ash volcanic

This picture was taken during a "gotong royong" or volcanic ash cleanup activities from mountain kelud
fantastic impact to the citizens of Yogyakarta, due to the volcanic ash that struck Yogyakarta city nearly 5cm economic and off for 4 days.
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Saturday, February 22, 2014

image of Taman Sari YOGYAKARTA

This is one of the historical relics in the city of Yogyakarta.
This place is called "taman sari"
looks very amazing to see a place where history is in "taman sari" this
many foreign tourists who come to see the beauty of the place turns this
This place is recommended for travelers to world.
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Friday, January 10, 2014

image cannary bird

this image bird song " cannary"
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Thursday, January 9, 2014

image gotong royong in depok beach

this image is beautifull
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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Putri Malu

Masih suka menemukan tumbuhan ini? tumbuhan ini biasa disebut putri malu dan kita sering menjumpainya di desa - desa . Tumbuhan ini tergolong dalam rumput liar. keunikan tumbuhan ini adalah ketika kita menyentuh daunnya pasti akan layu , dari sanalah mengapa tumbuhan ini disebut putri malu.
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